One of my favorite things to do is to celebrate my loved ones on their birthdays! Birthday’s are such a special blessing. It means you get another year of life to enjoy! May 14th has become one of the most important days in my life, as it is my fiance’s birthday.
Summer semester has already started, and Thursdays just so happen to be his long days which meant he was going to be on campus all day long. Spending your birthday at school is no fun!
I love planning exciting things, but it wouldn’t have fit into our schedules this year.
We decided to celebrate after class on Tuesday. I treated him to a pedicure (he loves the massage chairs) and then we went to the mall to pick out his gift. I’m usually so good about getting gifts early, but I wanted to get him sunglasses.
We went out to dinner at Kumo Hibachi & Sushi restaurant. He got salmon Hibachi and I got veggie Hibachi. We had a good time.
After our eventful day, we went home and indulged in ice cream bowls. Mmm.
Flash forward to Thursday.
Happy Birthdayyy, Mike! 😚💋❤🎉🎈
I woke up extra early to make him yummy birthday pancakes before he went to class.
It was his first day of lab and he got out early, (totally unexpected), which meant we could do a little celebrating!
Since we had a big dinner Tuesday night, he wanted his favorite for dinner; Chipotle!
We ended the night with ice cream cake, relaxation, and eventually homework. Although I didn’t top the helicopter ride from his last birthday, he says he had a good birthday! 😚
In three weeks it’ll be my birthday and we can have fun celebrating again! 🎉
In my family, our tradition is to always get together on our birthday and have cake. What are some of your birthday traditions?!
xo, Jessi
That dinner looks so good!